Friday, September 16, 2016

Build your fortress when there is peace

That's a saying I've once heard which makes plenty of sense but people hardly put it into practice. After all, why would you need to build your fortress when you are at peace. It's only in the absence of peace that you'll need your fortress to protect you.

Similarly, it's when you're treading water, or swimming spectacularly well in life that you should build your mental and emotional endurance and patience. Because when everything is coming at you at breakneck speed, and there are multiple deadlines to meet, you're going to need that mental endurance to stay the course and complete your journey.

The one thing that has particularly been bothering me these past couple of days, or rather only since yesterday, is how ridiculously slow my computer has been since I did an application update. It stops working for a couple of minutes at a time and just sits there, mocking me, as the wheel turns and turns and turns. The worst part is when you click something and there's no response! How do you fight something you cannot see? Deep down, I think I'm not really upset at my computer because I know I've dealt with and survived on slower computers than this. And some times, that's why we get upset so easily. It's not because we are really upset at what has just happened, we just don't want to admit how something else has caused the imbalance in our world / emotions.

So what is really keeping me up at night with these vivid dreams and ridiculous storylines? I couldn't really pin point on a single issue. There are so many things happening right now that I wish some would just quit and be done with, instead of actually needing my attention.

Torn between staying the course and possibly taking up a new challenge or finding new pastures and looking for new challenges. Torn between staying in my safety net, occasionally dipping my toes in the cool water or slicing through the net and diving into the water.

Life is simple, you make choices and you don't look back.

That's from a movie, Fast and Furious 2, if memory serves me well. I've used it a couple of times and it does serve you well. It just doesn't warn you of the indecision you face until you make that choice and for a person who loves making her pro's and con's lists, it could take a while before I actually make a choice.

Do you ever get over your first legitimate, on a real person, crush? I'm sure majority of the couples in the world do not marry their first crush or even their childhood sweethearts, unless they are extremely fortunate. Then again, most people move on in their lives and don't keep in touch. Although can you really be out of touch these days with a handful of mutual friends? Gone are the days of staying away, hoping out of sight means out of mind which leads to a lack of attraction when all it takes is for a mutual friend to post a picture, tag a name and viola, you know what they've been up to and it's been 2 seconds since you last thought about him. Then again, there are people in this world who suffer worse fates than having to see your crush be happy without you.

It's bordering on midnight now and I've just about given up on making my computer work. Just note down the hundred and one thing that needs to be done in my reliable outlook calendar. Until my computer decides to die due to lack of power, that is. I'll try to write more frequently, although I doubt anyone else is keeping up with this blog. Gone are the days when everyone kept a blog and that was how you kept tabs on your friends and enemies alike. I talk like I've been around for centuries but it does feel like that when your new colleagues were all born in the 90's.

Until next time, which I hope wouldn't be a couple of years from now, thanks for reading & be kind to everyone, including yourself.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Waking up from a fourteen year old dream

The worst part about being a person who expresses themselves best in writing is when the words start to fail you. I would be much more comfortable typing this out on a keyboard (and I'm sure the words may come easier too) but alas, we have to make do with what we have and what we can do. I just spent the better part of the last hour scrolling through my blog to find the goodbye story I wrote for him, then proceeded to read it and felt the threads holding my heart together start to unravel. That was only knowing him for 5 years and now, it's been 14 years.

I've known him for half my life, can you imagine? I'm not terribly old, and it doesn't feel like it's been that long but, numbers never lie. I don't think I've ever made a good decision when it came to what my heart wanted. I wrote my goodbye in 2007, and now it's 2016, yet my heart is still breaking and I'm not sure what to do.

I don't think I've ever been that girl who knew what she wanted and went after it. I was always marginally content with what I had and tried to make as many people as happy as I possibly could. Majority of the friendships I've had in my adolescence are already distant memories of the past. I still haven't decided if I was the problem or I just wasn't what they were looking for. Although in this case, I suppose it was plain to see that nothing would have ever happened anyway, even if I was a girl in control of her heart and pursued what she wanted.

I can't decide if the hopelessness of the situation is supposed to make me feel better. After all, nothing I could have done would have resulted in a different outcome today.

Don't wish, don't start
Wishing only wounds the heart
I wasn't born for the rose and the pearl
There's a girl I know
He loves her so
I'm not that girl

In the end though, she was the girl he loved and he chose her. Life's not a fairytale, life's not a musical. And yet, my heart is not yet hardened to the point where it doesn't hurt anymore. You can't wish pain away, because the pain you feel makes you stop. Stop hurting yourself and stop putting yourself in further danger. The pain also makes you cry, so that when you're done, you can take a deep breath and move forward.

Will time ever heal a wound 14 years in the making? The better question would be: how long will it take to heal a wound 14 years in the making? I'm not even sure if the weapon has been removed or it's just sticking out of the wound, preventing the body from closing the wound. Ignoring the wound is not even an option, because how much further can you actually go when the longer your heart hurts, the more you're tempted to give in and stop moving forward?

It's almost twelve and I feel my heart healing a bit just by typing this out. It does seem talking about it is some what therapeutic. I don't think the pain will disappear overnight, and I'm certain I'm not able to lock the memories away in the depths of my mind never to haunt me again. What I know is that I have to pull out this weapon, sticking out of my heart, and maybe cry for a few weeks. And maybe one day, walk out into the sunshine and trust that I will be all right, some day.

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And I say it's all right
Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here 
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And I say it's all right

Until next time, be kind to one another. ~Amanda