Good Morning.
It's actually a late morning, almost afternoon actually. Only another forty minutes. Only another hour and ten minutes before I'm officially released from this place. However I'll be sticking around for a bit, to finish up unfinished work of course. I really need to get started on doing the Statistics for November and December. I really have been procrastinating. Hahas. Or maybe I'm just jealous that JL has more time to play truant than me. Hahas. Either way, I do need to buck up. Because I really need to earn that extra cash. Talking about extra cash, I am looking for a weekend job, that is if any one can recommend one. I really don't mind the hours, if only on the weekend. I'm sure I can fit church somewhere into that schedule. Even if I have to wake up at bloody 8am to go for the mass at CTK. Yes, I've started using abbreviations. Mainly due to the fact that I'm don't want people who are just bored googling some word and then finding my blog. Well, especially googling the name of churches. But still, I'm too lazy to go back and revise the names I've mentioned before. So let's just start from now, and carry on. No point wasting time going back to change everything.
Well, once again I am at a loss of what I am doing here. I haven't really thought about blogging the past few days, especially not when I was working or actually trying to figure out my life. But I guess, when you're bored, you'll just about do anything to keep you from trying to carve out your name on your arm. No, that was a bad joke. But it's not like I haven't thought about it right? Whatever, I'm not making any sense. So, where was I? I'm not sure why I'm here. Although it might have sometime to do with trying to figure out what means the most in me and what are some of the things I'll never let go off. For one, unfortunately or fortunately, would be my faith. I don't know. I mean, I figure that no matter how much I want to be evil. How much I want to convince myself to stop going for masses. To stop taking the bread. To be evil to everyone I know. It just doesn't work out. Sure, I can be cold but that doesn't exactly equal to stone cold evilness does it? So I guess, it is about time I resign to the fact that I'll never go as far as to deny myself my own humanity. Which includes denying my faith. I guess what Max said as right, after having gone through all the years of being drilled about my faith, have I really learnt nothing at all? And sometimes, I do wonder if I'm rubbing off him. Because you know, they say that the more you're forced into the faith, the more you're likely to rebel. But then again, I don't recall anyone saying it aside from that small voice in my head. Hahas. I think it is about time I start talking to him again. I do miss him, especially after our last abrupt conversation. I didn't really mean to push him to the edge. But I thought he would've been able to handle me. After all, he's been handling me for a few months now. Hahas. So yes, decision has been made to talk to Max as soon as I get home and on to my computer. Of course he has to be online first, or maybe I'll just drop him e-mails until he talks to me again. I think I may have perfected the art of being annoying.
Ah, one of my newly favoured songs are playing. Beautiful Girl by Sean Kingston. Although I do think I much prefer the chipmunk version. Hahas. There are some songs that sound much cuter and nicer in the chipmunk version. However, Big Girls Don't Cry by Fergie is definitely not one of them. I heard it on YouTube and it was terrible! But then again, my opinion, don't sue me! Well, another of my latest favoured songs would include Tattoo by Jordan Sparks. I do believe she's the latest winner of American Idol, but I'm not entirely sure. And no, it's not my desire to get a tattoo that led me to favouring the song because the words are pretty meaningful. Well, looking at the path I'm going done now, the song is definitely applicable. I mean, have you read the lyrics yet? There are so many ways I could tell you about how I relate to the song. But I guess, for you to actually like the song, you've gotta be able to relate to it first. So, as usual, Tattoo's been playing on my phone every time I'm in the shower and Big Girls Don't Cry on my mp3 to and from work. I would narrow it down to one song but I need to download Tattoo into my computer first before uploading it onto my mp3, which would be quite hard. Not as hard as troublesome, so I'll just live with two songs at the moment. Hahas. I'm sure you're rather fascinated with something I said just now, I would presume. About me getting a tattoo.
Yes, gasp, look shock, faint if you must. But I do, deep down, actually want to get a tattoo. Sure, Tash would have planted the seed but if I hadn't want to, it wouldn't have flourished would it? Although I'm not sure when I'm going to get it. Where. Or even How. I'm still thinking about the Why now and I guess, it's really just to reassure myself that I'm different. From the people around me. No, I know what you're thinking. I'm not trying to be a rebel, although I know I desperately want to. Because I really wonder what it'll be like when I strip myself of this good girl mentality. I mean, will the world really come to a stand still as I have my way? Hahas. I highly doubt so, but it would be interesting to find out, wouldn't it? Hahas. But back to why I want to get the tattoo. I guess, I just do. Tash has said to not get it where you can't hide it and I've thought of two places where stretching of the skin wouldn't be so drastic. One, behind my neck. And the other, on my inner thigh. Hahas. I know, you must be thinking I'm crazy. Don't worry, I'm with you on the thinking I'm crazy part. Yesterday night, I was searching for tattoo parlors in Singapore and the various designs. The fact that it was going to hurt was nagging at edge of my mind, but I didn't really seem to care. I guess, I also want to push the boundaries and see how much pain this body can take. I don't think cutting yourself up really gives you a gauge and besides, why leave scars when you could get something beautiful instead? So, I'm once again at a fork in the road. I want to get it, but the darkness surrounding the path, the pain mainly, makes me think twice. The other path is to stick with fake tattoos. But my last experience with the expired tattoos really left me feeling irked and wanting a real tattoo instead. Hahas. And I'm not going to be drawing on my whole body, that would just be crazy. I mean, I don't want to have to wear a long sleeved shirt all the time just to cover up the tattoos. Well, this conversation has to be postponed unfortunately. I've got someone who needs me to try and convince him he isn't worthless. Sure, maybe he didn't ask for my help but it's not like you don't know me. Hahas. No one else really deserves to feel worthless, well, aside from me. But that's a demon I gotta fight on my own. So, I'll catch you later this evening probably. More talk on my tattoos! Stay tuned! You know you wanna.
Amanda Loves You (: