Good Evening!
Be not mistaken that added exclamation mark to be happiness, excitement or even gladness. Because frankly, I'm very far from any one of those emotions. It has only been one day since my last post, but it seems like a whole lot of things have happened since then! But I'll start off with shopping on Friday night first. Because in my opinion, that is the most interesting thing I've got on the agenda. But than again, who cares about your opinion because this is my blog. So if you don't want to know about the first dress, scroll down a paragraph or two (: Be careful not to trip!
Friday evening. It was a pretty upsetting time, especially since all the dresses I had wanted to buy were either to expensive, or did not have the designs that I had wanted. Something more up to date, and not old looking yet keeping the oriental look (: I'm a fussy shopper I know, but only the best when you're a fussy shopper xP Anyhow, I gave up hope after the last second shop we went to where the dress itself cost about $160. The good thing, or the only thing that made me happy was that I could fit into the dress without needing any adjustments made! Well, if you don't know by now, that is a really good thing for me! Sure, it does mean I still need to lose more weight since I'm still using a double L. But at least now, I can fit into the dress unlike before
when the dress couldn't even get past my hips! So, we found this tourist shop further down the road and I found one that I liked the design so I tried it on. And it fit! Well, it was a three quarter dress, but the full length one caught my eye. And it's pretty amazing that there was the last one, waiting on the shelf for me. Yes, last piece on the shelf and fits me almost perfectly. So I tried it, fell in love, and bagged it (: After which, we got underwear! They were having this clearance sale at OG, and the underwear had really cute wordings on them! You might see them if you ask, but you would never see them on me. Well, unless you'! Hehes. And because it was more than $20, we got a free pearl! Here's the picture I took with my phone. This is indeed my first time posting a picture, so I actually hope you can see it. I mean, if it's too big or too small. Hahas. I'll be posting more pictures in the future, so hopefully after a while, I'll get the hang of posting photos with my posts. Hehes. So yes, there's the pearl. My first pearl (: Mummy says she wants to go buy more underwear to get another pearl. Hahas.

After that we went down to the car and mummy showed me the pictures of a car she was parked next to when she first came in! It was small, yellow and had Winnie The Pooh pictures drawn all over it! It was really really cute! So I'll put them up here so you can share in my post elation over seeing the cute car again. Cute isn't it? Mummy didn't take more comprehensive photos simply because there were other people in the parking lot and they might think she's crazy snapping photos of another car. Hahas. Although I would really love to see that car again. I'll definitely take so much more photos! Maybe this design on my dream Mini Cooper? Hehes. 

Well, on to the next day then I guess. History repeating itself. I fell down, again. Well, the amazing thing was, I wasn't even looking at anyone or talking on the phone or messaging! So, I was walking, minding my own business and then next thing I know, I found myself on the floor. Pretty funny isn't it? I think I did started to laugh after I got up. Hahas. Well, I continued walking cause I couldn't possibly sit there and cry right? It started to hurt but I didn't really look down at it. And when I did, the only thing I saw was red. Yeah, literally. So I limped my way to work and then the nurse in the office helped me patch it up. And surprisingly, I didn't cry (: It's good cause I didn't make a fool out of myself in front of someone. And it's not good because I've got a higher tolerance to pain. Next thing you know, I wouldn't cry or scream as much as I would when I give birth. Hahas. So, it got patched up and everything else after that was better. We had breakfast, and then did work. It is fun being in the office alone. Peace and quiet. Only me and my music. Mummy came to pick me up after work cause of my knee and then we went home. After which, I lazed around and then went for mass in the evening.

Mass was terrible. Not the mass, mind you. I was feeling pain every time I moved my leg! I mean, where's the no pain in your presence thing in church? Well, it used to happen for me, but not this time. Maybe I am losing my faith, I really don't know. And, frankly, I don't know if I care at all. So well, it hurt horribly. I didn't even touch my bible. I was much too consumed by the pain emitting from my knee cap. After mass it was the ride home. And then, home alone. So I'm off to play some Distro Bots now, since no one's at home and no one's online to play SoF with me.
I'll blog again tomorrow, to let you know if I made it to church or not. Because you know, the whole seeing people I don't like and having to face idiots who are too dumb to stand up for their friends. Yeah, so I'll let you know. And I don't think anyone has found this blog yet. Which is good in a way, so I don't need to be accountable for whatever I say here. Hehes. So I'm off! *poof* See you soon!
Amanda Loves You (: