Monday, October 29, 2007

A somewhat balanced weekend.

Good Afternoon.

It's been two days since my last post. And not surprisingly, many many things have happened since then. Well, first off, we [being mother and I] managed to almost complete our movie marathon. Tonight will be the last show and then tomorrow, mummy's going to borrow another one or two discs for this week (: So all the shows that we have watched so far, SleepOver, Epic Movie, Scoop, The Pursuit of Happiness, Surf's Up and tonight's movie, The bridge to Tabitha. [yes, the spelling is wrong and I'm too lazy to check or google for the correct spelling. I'm lazy, what are you going to do about it?] So far the movie choices have been good, aside from Epic Movie. It wasn't exactly very entertaining, aside from the times when me and mummy were spotting the movies they were spoof-ing [no, i don't know if 'spoof-ing is even a word.] SleepOver was good. A chick flick for girls crossing the bridge from books to boys [basically from childhood into the teen years; i had wanted to use the line from the movie ok?] Nevertheless, I must say the guy was still cute. Scoop was a really good watch. Hugh Jackman is totally hot. Hahas. I mean, seriously! I don't care how old he is or how young I am, he IS hot xP Anyhow, we watched that show quite late, and mummy didn't fall asleep so it must've been good to have caught her attention. Hehes. The Pursuit of Happiness was a movie that we had wanted to watch ever hearing the good feedback on the show. And it truly was an inspiring and heart felt film. Sure, I don't really like my father much but it was really touching and moving. And I do wonder if you had his desire to be there for me; would everything be different now? There were some parts that I cried but there were also parts that left me in awe. And I must say that the rubick cube in the movie has definitely caught my attention! It was pretty interesting watching him complete it and I actually do want to buy one for myself. Hehes. There was also a special feature on the disc about the rubick cube and OMG! I saw a guy solve the cube with ONE hand. Well, at first he did it in the quickest time possible. After which, he proceeded to do it BLINDFOLDED. And finally, he did it with only one hand. As I was watching him, I felt like the stupidest person ever! Hahas. Bet you would've felt the same if you watched it too. Anyhow, that was about it. After The Pursuit of Happiness on Satrday, Sunday we watched Bones and Happy Hour which we had taped on Tuesday Night. So that was about it for the movie watching part of my weekend.

The next part would then have to be the gaming part. Yes, I've started gaming again. No, I wouldn't be as crazy as I was before simply because I am working now and I just don't have the energy or the time. But it was fun this weekend. Xuan helped me and a new friend, Rain, tank the Bandit Bosses. And I levelled once! Which was pretty amazing seeing as how once you hit level15, levelling becomes the hardest thing ever! Well, that and actually getting your weapon pimped. But since with Dep, I don't need to worry about that. Hehes. On Sunday, I played for a while with Monkey. And I must admit, I do miss spending time with him. Even when he doesn't say anything during our time together. I have never seen anyone just run from one place to another to kill bosses and not say anything. Well, especially since I kept losing him because I was distracted by the Halloween Jacks around the place where I could get candy (: And he was pretty sweet to come running back to find me. Because there are SO many bladers that aside from their hair, they all look the same to me! Hehes. And yes, my mini map doesn't help when I see myself near the orange dot that is suppose to be him and yet I can't see him! Hahas. But it was fun. And it's times like this I wish I was in the US then maybe we'd be able to hang out in real life and actually have more fun. Not to mention, I would love to meet him nephew! New born just a few months ago. But that aside, Dep's on better terms with his girlfriend. I want him to be happy; but I don't know if she's the right one for him. But I suppose that's for him to find out, and I'll just provide the shoulder or the listening ear when he needs it. I'm going to be bitchy and just say this but I hope he doesn't stop pimping my equipment for me. Hahas. And if you're reading this Dep, you know I love you (:

With that aside, on to slightly more serious matters. J isn't back from his mission yet. I believe Chris must be tired of hearing me ask after him. Especially since it's everytime I see him come online, which is everyday. Hahas. Chris said he was delayed, and I hope that's just about it. I really shouldn't dwell anymore on this before I launch into my 'Why Must They Send People For Stupid Reasons' Lecture because I really simply do not understand. Anyhow, moving on!

I need to get out more you know. Anyone out there nice enough to being me out for a night of fun? Because between work and family matters, I am just about going crazy. And yes, I'm serious. Even though I'm not suppose to be doing this, I am blogging at work. And my colleague that is sitting right beside me, is annoying the living day lights out of me. I mean, it's not like she's actually doing something. It's just her being here that annoys me. Ok, I'm certain I sound like a spoilt brat, but she really is annoying! I mean, *ARGH* There are so many things she does that I don't understand. And no, it's not because she's a 'engineering' kind of person because I know people who are in engineering, aka GodSister, who doesn't act like she does! I mean, there are times when she does stuff and I go 'why in the world did she do that?!' As of now, I'm basically ignoring her. Totally and certainly ignoring her. I love my mp3 player as well as my other devices that bring my mind away from this place of sitting right beside her. I don't want to dwell on family matters because I have somewhat found a way to solve some of my problems. As for the rest of my problems, I'll just dump them all into God's hands. He's older, he's wiser and thus is able to solve more problems. As for me, I'm young, naive and am unable to solve many problems. Hahas. Ok, this is me going crazy because I'm trying to refrain myself from screaming at the girl sitting beside me. *breathes in and out* Taking deep breaths and typing as quickly as I can with this horrible keyboard is helping, a little anyway.

Well, as I can see the time on the computer, it is almost just about 5.30pm. Which is time for HER to go! Hahas. Well, I do need to get back to my work because I need to finish everything before next Monday. Reports are due. I'll probably be coming back this Saturday to finish the report, and hopefully I'll be able to finish it before Monday which is when the report is due. Do leave a comment, because I know you're dying to! But don't die though, would be unexplainable and your parents would be really upset and everything. I'm sure if I know who you are, I'd be upset too. So comment but don't die even if you are dying to comment. Ha Ha Ha. Ok, cold joke. Time for me to get back to work and then head home for that last movie! Oh, I'll remember to tell you about my newest and latest plan to get myself off my lazy ass and to start working out. And I have reyrey to thank for that really. The guy, making his gym and all. But I will delve into that in another post. I'll stop here and leave you to your thoughts. Because what is a person without his own personal thoughts? (: Take care and check back soon! Because Amanda has just got back into the blogging scene.

Amanda loves you.

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