Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Waiting in queue

The worst part about being sick, isn't that you're sick. It's the fact that life goes on and you still have to deal with your responsibilities.

So I've been coughing out my lungs for the past 2 days and I've found my patience in dealing with my grandparents nonsense has dropped to below zero. I'm now back at the doctor, waiting in queue to see the doctor. I think there is quite a long line since it is flu season.

In line with coughing out my lungs, I've just been in a terrible head space. I think the fastest way to get out of it would be to get better, which may take a couple of days. I think going back to work will help, when I don't see my grandparents for extended periods of time. But going back to work will only happen when I'm better because I don't want to inflict this terrible cough on anyone in the office. 

All I want to do now is sleep. But when I do, I get these weird dreams and wake up with a throbbing head. Coughing doesn't help the throbbing head, it feels like my head may explode when I cough violently. 

I think I'm not really firing on all cylinders so I'm going to quit while I'm ahead. Hope you have a better week than mine has been so far. 

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