Sunday, March 20, 2011

Break time is almost over.

So, break time is almost over. My first revision class begins on 31st of March 2010 at 8.30am in the morning. It will be a long day because I have work after. I'm not really looking forward to it but then again, time spent with friends is always time to look forward to right? Not to mention, the children I see on Thursday that just make me smile.

I really should be filling the ice box but I think time is rather well spent typing here. An outlet for my emotions I suppose. and my mother's just returned with my dog. I think it's a test to how quickly I can type and pen down my thoughts.

Work's been awesome thus far. I can't actually imagine not working there, well, almost like how I couldn't imagine working anywhere else while in my other jobs. I'm not sure if it's the right kind of commitment to be making, seeing as how I got a long way to go or am I just a lazy kind of person. I mean, it's suppose to be good to be happy where you're at and with what you've got right? Anyway, I'm still hoping the student pool increases. Although the numbers at the moment are pretty okay, keeping everyone busy all the time. It is also on a positive note that my pay has increased! I think it will go to helping pay for school and other things that need to be paid for. I'm not planning to get anything new (just because my pay has been increased) but I am planning to save to splurge when it's my birthday. Though that's another thing altogether I think.

I've been forcing myself to study. I created this count down calendar which according to it, I have 45days to my first final paper and 62days before I'm officially free! Yes, I'm trying not to stress too much on the 62days because, 45days to get all I should know about ISORG into my brain? That in itself sounds like an impossible feat, but I will do it! (It's not like I actually have a choice, you know) So, I shall continue with forcing myself to study. I'm hoping the stress will wreak havoc on my body and it will like, lose some pounds or something. It might sound unlikely but, I'm really hoping!

On a more serious note, I have decided that maybe I don't really have the capacity to endure losing a friend I've tried my best to do everything I could to keep. I mean, I may still feel the lingering emotions as long as this situation isn't resolved but, I promise to try and be a better friend so I don't feel like this the next time something big happens. I wouldn't lose a friend over a disagreement to our difference in taste, I hardly want to lose a friend over a girl I can't even stomach. I suppose, until push comes to shove (meaning, you're FORCING me to meet her) I'd just lay back and try to strengthen our friendship. Because when your dreams fall apart, only the people who still remain are those worth fighting for. (I'm saying this with the image of inception in my mind, you know, when the dream which was created begins to fall apart. No, I've not watched it yet but I will! Maybe it's time to rediscover what attracted me to Leo all those years ago!)

Well, it is a Sunday afternoon and mummy's not working or doing anything else. I shall go spend my remaining of my Sunday with her before she starts work this evening. Thanks for dropping by and I'd try to write again soon!

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