Sunday, April 3, 2011

Just a blink.

Wow. A blink of an eye and it's already the 3rd of April! Plenty of interesting things have happened since my last post. The most obvious would be celebrating April Fool's Day. I wouldn't call it a celebration although I think next year, it would be a most wonderful idea to actually have a party! I'll come up with just about anything to throw a party now. Aside from April Fool's Day, I fell again. No, I didn't fall in love, although that might've been a much more pleasant experience which might not necessarily end in pain. I fell down, on to the ground. Not even into someone else waiting arms! The only person or thing that came to meet me was the rough gravel ground and a few tiny rocks, which hurt. How many people can boost about causing pain just by coming to say hello?

Yes, my fall. I was rushing out of work, looking for my mother's vehicle and tripped on a baby stroller. Yes, a baby stroller. I mean, it's SO huge right? Especially those newer models which are more spacious and have plenty of compartments for the parents to put their stuff. Well, apparently my head was in the clouds and I tripped. Although I must say there were plenty of 'Thank God for small favours' incidents which were only thought of later, when I wasn't in pain. For example, the fact that the stroller didn't tip over when I ran into it. I say that because my legs actually got caught in the front wheels, hence I fell. It might have been even more disastrous if the stroller tipped because well, I don't really have to detail it out for you do I? Another example would be that, although I fell on rough ground (when there was enough smooth ground for me to fall on) it had to be a downward inclined slope. Yes, if you're trying to imagine what happened, let me tell you, it really wasn't a pretty sight. Though I don't think I actually flashed anyone, my skirt was pretty long that day. So, good thing it was downward sloping because that meant the first impact (on my legs anyway, cause I scrapped my palms too) was the upper part of my knee. Not the same part that has been scrapped off twice already. Although I'm stilling weighing the idea that because this has happened twice before (and hence I'm slightly, okay, I'll never get used to the pain) or because I've actually grown up and am in the twenties now (compared to when I was only in my teens the last two times I fell) that I actually handled the pain slightly better. I will admit that it still hurt like f**k and there was plenty of cursing when I was alone in my room, to deal with the pain. The scars of war are still here and they're purple. It's funny how the children at work keep asking me, 'did you spill ink on yourself?' Like, seriously? Who carries bottles of ink around nowadays? I mean, the ink all comes in pads or pens right? Anyway, it's a good excuse to scare the children into not running around outside but it always makes my cheeks red if anyone asks how I actually fell because I think, even as children, they know better than to think their teacher runs around at the lobby like a child high on energy. And a positive outcome from this could be that I've been wearing heels ever since I fell. No, it is not because i refused to give up my heels but I realized that since my knee had to be bent, I should wear heels so I can actually put pressure on it without looking like a bent over old time sailor! I must say my right feet has been complaining because sometimes it hurts to put too much pressure on just my right foot. Anyhow, the healing is coming off fine after I used the purple iodine that Father Khoo lent us. No, I will not be returning what I used, just the rest of it in the bottle.

It seems I've taken too long again because mummy is done with her chores and so I have to go out and have lunch. I think I will come back and blog again tonight before bed. There are some other stuff that I need to talk out because it's been giving me a headache. Until tonight, if you're interested in what goes on in the whacked out mind of mine!

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