Saturday, January 4, 2020

I said I wouldn't, and then I did.

Borderline fever, sore throat and a blocked nose.

I don't actually have the mood to do my nails this week. Maybe I'll trim them short and do one coat. When I'm feeling better then I'll do a more elaborate nail art set.

It takes so much energy to be positive when everything starts going to shit. When my grandparents taught me to think before I speak, obviously they didn't bother learning that lesson. 

Dammit, we need a break from this life. Cleaning all the time, doctor appointments, medication, etc. And to think, my mum has 4 other siblings. I'm not sure if I'm thankful I only have 1 parent or that I'm the only child. 

I'm going to bed cause this cough medicine is very powerful. At least I found something else that can make me sleep, even if it doesn't chase away the nightmares. 

Be kind to everyone you meet, they could be going through some tough situations. 

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